Wednesday, 19 February 2025, 5:36 AM
Site: E-ARK Moodle
Course: E-ARK Moodle (E-ARK Training)
Glossary: E-ARK glossary
A2AAdministration to Administration
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A2BAdministration to Business
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A2CAdministration to Citizen
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ABBArchitectural Building Block in CEF
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Access As defined in the Handbook, access is assumed to mean continued, ongoing usability of a digital resource, retaining all qualities of authenticity, accuracy and functionality deemed to be essential for the purposes the digital material was created and/or acquired for.
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Access AidA software program or document that allows Consumers to locate, analyse, order or retrieve information from an OAIS.
ADRAlternative Dispute Resolution
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ADS Archaeology Data Service. A UK based service active in digital preservation.;
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AIPArchival Information Package |
AJAJAsynchronous JavaScript and JSON
A group of interrelated web development techniques used on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications.
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AJAXAsynchronous JavaScript and XML
A set of web development techniques using many web technologies on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications.
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AMAgile Modeling
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AMBArchitecture Board Meeting
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AMIA Association of Moving Image Archives, an organisation active in the field of moving image archiving.;
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APAccess Point
An Access Point is defined as an implementation of the AS4 data exchange protocol. In particular, the profile of AS4 developed by eSENS and now maintained by the CEF eDelivery Building Block:
eDelivery AS4
The Access Point must comply with this profile because several options of the original technical specifications were narrowed down in order to increase consistency, interoperability and to simplify deployment.
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Apache CXFAn open source services framework.
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APIApplication Programming Interface
A set of routines, protocols and tools for building software applications.
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ARC Container format for websites devised by the Internet Archive, superseded by WARC.
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Archival Information Package (AIP)An Information Package, consisting of the Content Information and the associated Preservation Description Information (PDI), which is preserved within an OAIS.
Archival Information System (AIS)Archival Information System: It consists of several modules that support individual phases of processing Information Packages or parts of them in the archival environment (e.g. submission module, cataloguing module, ordering module, digital storage module, access module). The number of modules, their features and relationships depend on the local implementation.
Archive“Materials created or received by a person, family, or organization, public or private, in the conduct of their affairs and preserved because of the enduring value contained in the information they contain or as evidence of the functions and responsibilities of their creator, especially those materials maintained using the principles of provenance, original order, and collective control” |
AS1Applicability Statement 1
Based on SMTP and S/MIME. It was the first AS protocol developed, implementing signing, encryption and MDN conventions.
Files are encoded as attachments in a standardised S/MIME message (an AS1 message).
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AS2Applicability Statement 2
The AS2 profile of eDelivery is based on Applicability Statement 2. AS2 was chosen by PEPPOL because of its popularity among EDI Service Providers.
Files are encoded as attachments in a standardised S/MIME message (an AS2 message).
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AS3Applicability Statement 3
A standard by which vendor applications communicate over the internet using FTP. AS3 is an EDI protocol.
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AS4Applicability Statement 4
The AS4 profile of eDelivery is the AS4 Usage Profile defined by eSENS based on the AS4 Profile of ebMS3 OASIS Standard. AS4 itself is based on other standards, in particular on OASIS ebXML Messaging Services, which in turn is based on various Web Service specifications.
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ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange, standard for electronic text. https;//;
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Assurance levelHelps a party to determine, with some level of certainty, that an electronic credential representing an entity (human or a machine) with which it interacts to effect a transaction, can be trusted to actually belong to the entity. There are three levels - 'Low', 'Substantial' and 'High'.
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ATAutomated Translation
CEF building block to allow European and national public administrations to exchange information across language barriers in the EU. The main purpose of AT is to make all DSIs multilingual. For example, users of an e-Procurement system or the Open Data Portal will be able to access information and communicate with their counterparts using their own language. While AT is mainly intended to be integrated into other digital services, it also offers useful stand-alone services for translating documents or snippets of text.
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At-Most-OnceEach message will be delivered to the Application Destination at most once. It's possible that a Message will not be delivered to the Application Destination at all, but the Application Destination will never get duplicate messages.
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Authentication A mechanism which attempts to establish the authenticity of digital materials at a particular point in time. For example, digital signatures.
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AuthenticityThe degree to which a person (or system) regards an object as what it is purported to be. Authenticity is judged on the basis of evidence.
B2ABusiness to Administration
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B2BBusiness to Business
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B2CBusiness to Citizen
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BDXLBusiness Document Metadata Service Location
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binaryA binary file is computer‑readable but not human‑readable. All executable programs are stored in binary files, as are most numeric data files.
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BISBusiness Interoperability Specifications
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Bit A bit is the basic unit of information in computing. It can have only one of two values commonly represented as either a 0 or 1.The two values can be interpreted as any two-valued attribute (yes/no, on/off, etc).
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Bit Preservation A term used to denote a very basic level of preservation of digital resource as it was submitted( literally preservation of the bits forming a digital resource). It may include maintaining onsite and offsite backup copies, virus checking, fixity-checking, and periodic refreshment to new storage media. Bit preservation is not digital preservation but it does provide one building block for the more complete set of digital preservation practices and processes that ensure the survival of digital content and also its usability, display, context and interpretation over time.
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BOBack Office
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Born-Digital" Digital materials which are not intended to have an analogue equivalent, either as the originating source or as a result of conversion to analogue form. This term has been used in the Handbook to differentiate them from 1) digital materials which have been created as a result of converting analogue originals; and 2) digital materials, which may have originated from a digital source but have been printed to paper, e.g. some electronic records.";;
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BRISBusiness Registers Interconnection System
Each MS has a Business Register which sends documents through a Gateway to the ECP, which corresponds to BRIS.
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BUSDOXBusiness Document Exchange Network
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BWF Broadcast WAV format, the European Broadcasting Union standard for a WAV file, with extra metadata.;
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C1Corner 1 in the Four-Corner Model.
An end entity which exchanges messages with the other end entity (C4) via Access Point intermediaries (C2 and C3).
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C2Corner 2 in the Four-Corner Model.
An Access Point intermediary which via Access Point intermediaries C3 facilitates the exchange of messages from its end entity (C1) with the other end entity (C4).
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C2ACitizen to Administration
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C2BCitizen to Business
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C2CCitizen to Citizen
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C3Corner 3 in the Four-Corner Model.
An Access Point intermediary which via Access Point intermediaries C2 facilitates the exchange of messages from its end entity (C4) with the other end entity (C1).
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C4Corner 4 in the Four-Corner Model.
An end entity which exchanges messages with the other end entity (C1) via Access Point intermediaries (C2 and C3).
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CACertification Authority
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Capability LookupAn ABB which offers a technical service to accommodate a dynamic and flexible interoperability community.
A capability lookup can provide metadata about the communication partner’s interoperability capabilities on all levels defined in the EIF (Legall, Organisational, Process, Semantic and Technical interoperability levels). The metadata can be used to dynamically set interoperability parameters and ambitions between the sender and receiver.
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CatalogueA type of Access Aid that allows a user to search for and identify Information Packages of interest.
CCSDS Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, the body responsible for the OAIS Reference Model.;
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CEFConnecting Europe Facility
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CEF AOCEF Architect Office
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CEF.ATA platform funded by CEF to be the core building block used by CEF DSIs for operating in a multilingual way. It includes Machine Translation as a service it offers.
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CEGCommon Entry Gate
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CENEuropean Committee for Standardisation
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Chain of Custody A key concept in forensics whereby the custody and provenance of digital hardware, media and files are safeguarded through, for example, the appointment of evidence custodians. The purpose of the Digital Evidence Bag (DEB) is to hold digitally, along with the evidential digital objects, provenance metadata that can be updated as required; a concept that is familiar to digital preservation practitioners.;
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Checksum A unique numerical signature dreived from a file. Used to compare copies.
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CIPCompetitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
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CIPACommon Infrastructure for Public Administrations
Provides a generic solution for public administrations to exchange documents in a secure and reliable way
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CLIR Council on Library and Information Resources. US based organisation active in digital preservation.;
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CNI Coalition for Networked Information. US based organisation active in digital preservation.;
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CODComponent Offering Description
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ComponentA part of a record that represents a discrete item of content. For completeness a record including all its components and their content must be managed atomically.
CONNECT (DG)European Commission's Directorate-General for Communication Networks, Content and Technology
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Continuing Access refers to the right of a subscriber to an electronic publication and their users to have on-going permanent access to electronic materials which have already been leased and paid for by the subscriber from a publisher. It is a term used, along with its synonyms perpetual access and post-cancellation access, in the information industry to describe the ability to retain access to electronic materials by the subscriber/licensee after the contractual licensing agreement with the publisher/licensor for those materials has ended, whatever the reason for the cessation. It may also cover as appropriate arrangements for digital preservation needed to guarantee some elements of continuing access.
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Coordinate Reference System (CRS)is a coordinate-based local, regional or global system used to locate geographical entities. A coordinate reference system defines a specific map projection, as well as transformations between different spatial reference systems. Spatial reference systems are defined by the OGC's Simple feature access using well-known text representation of coordinate reference systems, and support has been implemented by several standards-based geographic information systems.
COPTR Community Owned digital Preservation Tool Registry hosted by The Open Preservation Foundation.;
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CorporaLarge and structured sets of text or speech audio files used in linguistic
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COTSThe term Commercial off-the-shelf product (hardware or software) refers to readily available products that can be acquired from the market (instead of being developed in-house)
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CPACollaboration Protocol Agreement
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Crawl The act of browsing the web automatically and methodically to index or download content and other data from the web. The software to do this is often called a web crawler.
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CRLCertificate Revocation List
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CSCommittee Specification
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CSADComponent Software Architecture Document
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CSPCertification Service Provider
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DADDisciplined Agile Delivery
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Dark Archive is an archive that cannot be accessed by any current users but may be accessible at future dates subject to the occurrence of specific pre-defined events ('trigger event'). Access to the data is either limited to a few set individuals or completely restricted to all.
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DatabaseA database is an organised collection of data. It is the collection of schemas, tables, queries, reports, views and other objects.
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DCC Digital Curation Centre. A UK based organisation active in digital preservation.;
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DDI Data Documentation Initiative. A de facto international metadata standard for describing data from the social, behavioral, and economic sciences.;
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DESData Encryption Standard
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Descriptive MetadataMetadata that describes the data content.
DGTEuropean Commission's Directorate-General for Translation
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DigCurV Digital Curator Vocational Education Europe. A project funded by the European Commission to establish a curriculum framework for vocational training in digital curation.;
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DIGITEuropean Commission's Directorate-General for Informatics
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Digital Archiving This term is used very differently within sectors. The library and archiving communities often use it interchangeably with digital preservation. Computing professionals tend to use digital archiving to mean the process of backup and ongoing maintenance as opposed to strategies for long-term digital preservation. It is this latter richer definition, as defined under digital preservation which has been used throughout this Handbook.
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Digital Forensics The application of scientific technical methods and tools toward the preservation, collection, validation, identification, analysis, interpretation, documentation and presentation of digital information derived after-the-fact from digital sources.
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digital geodata recordsDigital geodata records are records containing a spatial graphical component, describing objects in space. They can be created digitally, or digitized from an analogue source (paper maps)
Digital materialThe term used to describe the digital assets of an archive, contained in Information Packages.
Digital Materials" A broad term encompassing digital surrogates created as a result of converting analogue materials to digital form (digitisation), and ""born digital"" for which there has never been and is never intended to be an analogue equivalent, and digital records.";;
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Digital ObjectAn object composed of a set of bit sequences.
Digital Preservation" Refers to the series of managed activities necessary to ensure continued access to digital materials for as long as necessary. Digital preservation is defined very broadly for the purposes of this study and refers to all of the actions required to maintain access to digital materials beyond the limits of media failure or technological and organisational change. Those materials may be records created during the day-to-day business of an organisation; ""born-digital"" materials created for a specific purpose (e.g. teaching resources); or the products of digitisation projects. This Handbook specifically excludes the potential use of digital technology to preserve the original artefacts through digitisation. See also Digitisation definition below.";;
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Digital ProvenanceDocumentation of processes in a Digital Object’s life cycle. Digital provenance typically describes Agents responsible for the custody and stewardship of Digital Objects, key Events that occur over the course of the Digital Object’s life cycle, and other information associated with the Digital Object’s creation, management, and preservation |
Digital Publications" ""Born digital"" objects which have been released for public access and either made available or distributed free of charge or for a fee. They may consist of networked publications, available over a communications network or physical format publications which are distributed on formats such as floppy or optical disks. They may also be either static or dynamic.";;
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