1. Continue from the previous assignment (if you have already submitted the package move directly to step 3)
  2. On the Submit SIP tab, press the Submit SIP button and confirm
  3. On the top menu, switch to the Ingest tab and select the Reception tab if it is not selected automatically
  4. In the File browser tab, check that an XML exists, open it and browse its contents
  5. In the Reception tab, press the Receive button, then switch to the Approval tab
  6. Follow the guidance in the main video, and move the received IP package into the workspace with editing rights and add a comment to it
  7. In the workspace, add a new event to the package and return it to the approval stage
  8. In the Approval area ensure that you select the returned IP package and check that your new event exists
  9. Finally, preserve the package and follow how the process progresses
  10. After the process finishes, check that the IP package can be found via Access tab

If you are unable to complete these tasks on your own, view this video for further help




Last modified: Thursday, 18 June 2020, 10:54 AM