Open Source toolset for digital preservation
Topic outline
Before proceeding, it is recommended that you review the glossaries
Complete the activity
Complete the activity
Exam on checksums Quiz
Complete the activity
Download and extract this zip file. It contains two files. 3.pdf and 4.eml. You will need both of these files in many of the following tasks.
Check the metadata and plain text content with Tika from 3.pdf file and answer the questions Interactive Content
Check the metadata for 4.eml file Interactive Content
Download the zip file and extract its content. Zip file contains four files (corrupted-endless, File2, File3 and urgent-message-from-boss.docx.exe) Even though the last one seems like a runnable exe file it is not harmful in any way and does not contain viruses etc.!
Droid file detection Interactive Content
PDF/A validations
Download this pdf file and use veraPDF to validate it. Then proceed to the assignment below without closing the validator.
Image validations
Download this zip file, extract its content and complete the assignments.