If you have followed the previous lessons, you should have something inside the Access tab. If not, please follow the previous lessons and create some content 

  1. In the Access tab, select the Dissemination Tab and press the Prepare dissemination button
  2. Select the created DIP and lock any submission agreements
  3. Click prepare and confirm
  4. Move something from the storage to the workspace and check that it exists in the workspace
  5. Return to the prepared DIP package
  6. Add something from the package to the DIP package and create the dissemination package
  7. You can again follow the process in the Tasks tab
  8. After the process finishes you should have access to the Preserve tab
  9. In the preserve tab, download the DIP package that you have created
  10. The downloaded file is in tar format and if you do not know how to handle it you are in the wrong place!



Last modified: Friday, 19 June 2020, 8:41 AM